artificial intelligence

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artificial intelligence

  1. tietojenkäsittelyoppi, tietojenkäsittelytiede, tietojenkäsittely, tekoäly, keinoäly, konekäännös, MT, koneellinen kääntäminen, konekääntäminen, robotiikka.

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keinoäly, tekoäly intelligence Intelligence exhibited by an artificial (non-natural, man-made) entity.
puhekieltä The branch of computer science dealing with the reproduction or mimicking of human-level intelligence, self-awareness, knowledge, conscience, thought in computer programs.
The essential quality of a machine which thinks in a manner similar to or on the same general level as a real human being.

This computer possesses artificial intelligence.

puhekieltä a computer system or software package which is artificially intelligent
puhekieltä An intelligent, self-aware computer or computer program.
2000, Sheldon Pacotti (writer) & wikipedia:Warren Spector|Warren Spector (director/producer), wikipedia:Deus Ex|Deus Ex:
What Daedadus really is, is the world's first successful wholly autonomous AI. Whatever mysterious organization managed to create the first true artificial intelligence succeeded so well that their creation managed to convince them that they'd failed... and then escaped.


  • "(onnistuneesti kaapattu tietosalkku) I have rescued my Intelligence. (Minä olen pelastanut tietoni.)"

  • "Vuodot eivät lopu ennen kuin näemme jonkun oransseissa haalareissa."


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